Japanese Anime Tarot – Tarot Tuesday

Deck: Japanese Anime Tarot
By: Luna Factory
Spread: Element Spread

I just got this deck that I backed on Kickstarter (Luna Factory’s website). So I decided to break it out for a simple spread to share here. The spread is the general elemental spread with spirit being the last element in the center and the overall message.

Air: 9 of Swords

Right now it does not feel like anything is worth the effort. Even being asleep seems to pain you. It can be hard when our thoughts can turn against one. Reach out to those that are willing to help you, even if you think you are being a bother.

Earth: 8 of Swords

Being bound by money is what comes from this card in this position. At this time do not go spending more than what you can afford and now would be a good time to look over your spending and see if you can cut out unneeded spending. This should help loosen up the ties.

Fire: XVII – The Star

There have been plenty of things that take your energy, but now take some time to relax. The Star is shining for you right now to allow you to regain this energy, but do not let this completely put the irons you have in the fire out but to allow you to find the right one to hit while it is hot.

Water: XIV – Temperance

Look to creativity and spiritually to help balance your life right now. Temperance is the card of balance and with it in the element of water look to have smooth seas when you are able to focus on what is needed. Let things calm down so you can catch your breath before you drown.

Spirit: 4 of Pentacles

Yes there is a lot going on around you but right now it is best to just focus on what you can. It may seem silly to hide behind something right now but as long as you are watchful and are able to see what is coming and react that is all that matters.

There you have the trial run of the Japanese Anime Tarot. What do you think of it?

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